01 December 2011

Job for me...4th year life is Suprising me..

Fatimah Ipoh Hospital

Today when I just finished class, my phone was ringing..

me: hello
Dr Chan: ..Dr Chan...( class very noisy..)
me: Sorry, I'm not Dr Chan ( =.=!!)丢脸!!
Dr Chan: no la, I'm Dr Chan here, you forgot me ald ?
me: o i c..hahaa...


So happy again, Doctor plan to go work in New Oncology Centre in Ipoh Fatimah houspital..He want employ me to work there...

me: sorry, Dr Chan I ald had contract with Singapore there..
Dr Chan: There is not a problem, I will write a letter said you had Cancer then you cannot go there ald and without breaking the contract.
me: =.=!!!!

Xavier Clinic

Dr Segeran last time ask me go his clinic to be a radiographer also.... but... I'm don't think there is a bright future for me.. so I recommend a Malay friend which is from Diploma Master Skill to him... because mostly they willing to work in clinic.... :P hehehe...gai, 己所不欲,勿施于人

National Cancer Centre(NCC) Singapore

last time we 4 of us went to NCC clinical, they also wish to hire us... but we all not interested with Radiotherapy field...

Khoo Teck Puat hospital (Singapore)

email me twice, keeping asking me on SKYPE interview...but I ald reject ...because I ald signed the contract... haizz.. this is a new hospital, in my opinion this is a good to work in new hospital, because we are the 1st batch of staff, after few years will more easier get promotion become senior radiographer...but, sometimes all the things have its pros and cons.... working in new hospital maybe not a good choice for fresh graduate, because we are lacking of experience will gain more knowledge in old establish hospital but will have more competition.

Tan Tock Seng Hospital (Singapore) - My future working hospital !!! I will become "pendatang asing" 外劳 T.T

This hospital is infection control hospital, that is if got any dangerous infection in Singapore, all this type of patient will send and gather in this hospital... Hopefully I can 平平安安....

This year I had learn something, interview also need to prepare like a VIVA exam...
some tips from my senior that there is very useful..google search the most frequent interview question and well prepared before go to interview..

Frequent ask question:
Why you want to work at here?
Introduce yourself?
What are your strength and weaknesses?
Are you bonded with any company or government?
what is the memorable memory in your last clinical/intern places?
Anymore question?
Other than these, they may ask relevant question to test your course knowledge/ skills?


Alfred Poon said...

yorrr jealous nia , so many ppl wan employ u . macam HOT CAKE!!

Federick said...

Wah, really jealous la~
I also can work at hospital but i dun wan to work as foodservice stew after graduate from university!!OMG~
Food quality control and assurance maybe is one of my choice~haiz

Ling said...

genius is different