22 January 2013

Violent Patient

Today at Emergency Department, Call to take a X-Ray at Resuscitation room... the patient threw Oxygen mask and pull the oxygen pipe.. violent.... no nurses even dare to close to him and at last he refuse to do the X ray..    @_@  

19 January 2013

Raining morning, cold weather , I like it!! Half day work! Yeah!!

16 January 2013

New roaster came out, next week I posted at Emergency department..My first Station after Training!!! wow!

12 January 2013



前晚突然接了医院的电话,机器锁匙不见了,因为我是最后一个人用的。不见了当然会有人来找我, 差不多半夜12了接到电话, 回去locker找钥匙。隔天还要跟经理解释我放回钥匙的经过。害我整天没心,也睡不好!但是, 今天早上那只钥匙回来了!好好的挂着!奇怪!但是事情总酸告段落了

05 January 2013

Hahah, after. Night shift bring my camera go out 街拍now

1st night shift

1st day night shift , on shift now .. So busy just now , now is the time to rest for awhile , because all nurses going to rest and no other wheelchair cases . I went to CDC alone to do portable x ray, 1st time go there!!! Alone some more !!

Around 1pm plus I saw a people walk to me through the reflection of screen , but when I turn around there is no one around me!!

On the way walking to communicable disease center (CDC 2) building beside my hospital

My department are so empty that never seen at day time

Drink a cup of milk tea , ate subway and 2 chicken pau .. So that can Tahan till tomorrow 8am

Waiting ambulance to CDC 1 take portable x ray


Finally can sleep @7:11am

After night shift attend technical session , now ald 11am, yesterday after cannot sleep, already 27 hours never sleep

My brunch after night shift

02 January 2013

Today is my first evening shift working .. Now in the MRT.. So far so good tonight . Everything gone smoothly !!! Nice , tomorrow evening shift will in emergency department , this kind of shift sure damn tired! Looking forward !!