16 December 2011
12 December 2011
Vampire Diaries...
These few days don't have class.... finished watching Vampire diaries season 1 & 2... feel this drama not bad.... :)
06 December 2011
01 December 2011
Job for me...4th year life is Suprising me..
Fatimah Ipoh Hospital
Today when I just finished class, my phone was ringing..
me: hello
Dr Chan: ..Dr Chan...( class very noisy..)
me: Sorry, I'm not Dr Chan ( =.=!!)丢脸!!
Dr Chan: no la, I'm Dr Chan here, you forgot me ald ?
me: o i c..hahaa...
So happy again, Doctor plan to go work in New Oncology Centre in Ipoh Fatimah houspital..He want employ me to work there...
me: sorry, Dr Chan I ald had contract with Singapore there..
Dr Chan: There is not a problem, I will write a letter said you had Cancer then you cannot go there ald and without breaking the contract.
me: =.=!!!!
Xavier Clinic
Dr Segeran last time ask me go his clinic to be a radiographer also.... but... I'm don't think there is a bright future for me.. so I recommend a Malay friend which is from Diploma Master Skill to him... because mostly they willing to work in clinic.... :P hehehe...gai, 己所不欲,勿施于人
National Cancer Centre(NCC) Singapore
last time we 4 of us went to NCC clinical, they also wish to hire us... but we all not interested with Radiotherapy field...
Khoo Teck Puat hospital (Singapore)
email me twice, keeping asking me on SKYPE interview...but I ald reject ...because I ald signed the contract... haizz.. this is a new hospital, in my opinion this is a good to work in new hospital, because we are the 1st batch of staff, after few years will more easier get promotion become senior radiographer...but, sometimes all the things have its pros and cons.... working in new hospital maybe not a good choice for fresh graduate, because we are lacking of experience will gain more knowledge in old establish hospital but will have more competition.
Tan Tock Seng Hospital (Singapore) - My future working hospital !!! I will become "pendatang asing" 外劳 T.T
This hospital is infection control hospital, that is if got any dangerous infection in Singapore, all this type of patient will send and gather in this hospital... Hopefully I can 平平安安....
This year I had learn something, interview also need to prepare like a VIVA exam...
some tips from my senior that there is very useful..google search the most frequent interview question and well prepared before go to interview..
Frequent ask question:
Why you want to work at here?
Introduce yourself?
What are your strength and weaknesses?
Are you bonded with any company or government?
what is the memorable memory in your last clinical/intern places?
Anymore question?
Other than these, they may ask relevant question to test your course knowledge/ skills?
Today when I just finished class, my phone was ringing..
me: hello
Dr Chan: ..Dr Chan...( class very noisy..)
me: Sorry, I'm not Dr Chan ( =.=!!)丢脸!!
Dr Chan: no la, I'm Dr Chan here, you forgot me ald ?
me: o i c..hahaa...
So happy again, Doctor plan to go work in New Oncology Centre in Ipoh Fatimah houspital..He want employ me to work there...
me: sorry, Dr Chan I ald had contract with Singapore there..
Dr Chan: There is not a problem, I will write a letter said you had Cancer then you cannot go there ald and without breaking the contract.
me: =.=!!!!
Xavier Clinic
Dr Segeran last time ask me go his clinic to be a radiographer also.... but... I'm don't think there is a bright future for me.. so I recommend a Malay friend which is from Diploma Master Skill to him... because mostly they willing to work in clinic.... :P hehehe...gai, 己所不欲,勿施于人
National Cancer Centre(NCC) Singapore
last time we 4 of us went to NCC clinical, they also wish to hire us... but we all not interested with Radiotherapy field...
Khoo Teck Puat hospital (Singapore)
email me twice, keeping asking me on SKYPE interview...but I ald reject ...because I ald signed the contract... haizz.. this is a new hospital, in my opinion this is a good to work in new hospital, because we are the 1st batch of staff, after few years will more easier get promotion become senior radiographer...but, sometimes all the things have its pros and cons.... working in new hospital maybe not a good choice for fresh graduate, because we are lacking of experience will gain more knowledge in old establish hospital but will have more competition.
Tan Tock Seng Hospital (Singapore) - My future working hospital !!! I will become "pendatang asing" 外劳 T.T
This hospital is infection control hospital, that is if got any dangerous infection in Singapore, all this type of patient will send and gather in this hospital... Hopefully I can 平平安安....
This year I had learn something, interview also need to prepare like a VIVA exam...
some tips from my senior that there is very useful..google search the most frequent interview question and well prepared before go to interview..
Frequent ask question:
Why you want to work at here?
Introduce yourself?
What are your strength and weaknesses?
Are you bonded with any company or government?
what is the memorable memory in your last clinical/intern places?
Anymore question?
Other than these, they may ask relevant question to test your course knowledge/ skills?
26 November 2011
Random photo~

Senior's Convocation 2011...
the most meaningful activity I had joined...

Performance acabella... haha!

My little buddy n little little buddy... leng lui??
SO so SO heavy lead gown....make me tired..
Cute leh?? haha!

The famous bubble tea in Singapore.. need to queue up n waiting the number for so long...
but taste_ NORMAL... =.=!!
Singapore Dollar... Finished loo :( sad nia...

a beautiful bridge....
My Room during internship...consider a quite big room in singapore HTV house

Marina Bay.... I love this view..

Farewell with SGH radiographer...
'Water park' above the shopping mall.....
Try to relaxing ourselves...enjoying my life~

Our employment pass during internship in Singapore General Hospital
QA for C-Arm operating theater machine...
Sentosa Island...walking around...
Singapore Koka curry instant noodle~ without MSG...yummy...
Seoul Garden Buffet steamboat
Last one month- motor bike lost of control causing me accident!! motor driver pls becareful...
CT scan under repairing...
赶完thesis proposal 我就跟一大班coursemate & 当然还有我亲爱的女友去 Pulau Pangkor 玩。。。那边的浮浅 很便宜。。包整辆船环岛加浮浅喂鱼,看珊瑚 总共才RM17
想都想不到。。。 自从我们12个相识做coursemate直到今天, 大家为了未来一起去Singapore Interview, 现实的残酷。。。 大家心里有数, 12个人,不可能大家都得到工作,一定有人喜,有人悲啊。。。大家都抱着全力以赴的心态。。。弱肉强食这句话学了很多年,但至今我。。。终于体验了解了。。
interview 之后的第一天也是我人生最高兴的一天, 当我打开 email。。我看到了这几行字,
Dear Kai Sheng,
Thanks for attending the interview with us yesterday. We are pleased to make you a provisional offer. If you would like to accept the offer, please kindly sign the attached and scan it back to me asap, by no later than 16 November 2011, after which the offer would be deemed to have lapsed. Thanks
当我决定签provisional letter 然后寄回时。。 隔了几天。。。另一医院email说要On Skype Inetrview 我。。。 当时我也吓了一吓,赶紧打电话给另一个朋友打听看他有没有收到email...
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。过后我才得知,原来是上次intern我认识资深的Principle Radiographer 推荐我去的, 令我感到受宠若惊,也很不好意思跟他。。。因为我已经接受另一间医院的offer 了。。
回想当年, 整天写作文一定会提到 “pendatang asing”的不好。。。想也想不到, 我要去做外劳了。。。。
朋友有空记得多出来聚聚。。。时光冲冲,很快大家酱各有各的目标& 生活了。。。
最近看了‘那些年,我们一起追的女孩’ emm.. 想了又想,当年我们Arked & Baiduri 班,追多人喜欢的应该是“佩莹” 吧? 哈哈!!对吗?
回到现实。。。我又要赶我的assignment, small thesis & Thesis 了。。。加油!
赶完thesis proposal 我就跟一大班coursemate & 当然还有我亲爱的女友去 Pulau Pangkor 玩。。。那边的浮浅 很便宜。。包整辆船环岛加浮浅喂鱼,看珊瑚 总共才RM17
想都想不到。。。 自从我们12个相识做coursemate直到今天, 大家为了未来一起去Singapore Interview, 现实的残酷。。。 大家心里有数, 12个人,不可能大家都得到工作,一定有人喜,有人悲啊。。。大家都抱着全力以赴的心态。。。弱肉强食这句话学了很多年,但至今我。。。终于体验了解了。。
interview 之后的第一天也是我人生最高兴的一天, 当我打开 email。。我看到了这几行字,
Dear Kai Sheng,
Thanks for attending the interview with us yesterday. We are pleased to make you a provisional offer. If you would like to accept the offer, please kindly sign the attached and scan it back to me asap, by no later than 16 November 2011, after which the offer would be deemed to have lapsed. Thanks
当我决定签provisional letter 然后寄回时。。 隔了几天。。。另一医院email说要On Skype Inetrview 我。。。 当时我也吓了一吓,赶紧打电话给另一个朋友打听看他有没有收到email...
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。过后我才得知,原来是上次intern我认识资深的Principle Radiographer 推荐我去的, 令我感到受宠若惊,也很不好意思跟他。。。因为我已经接受另一间医院的offer 了。。
回想当年, 整天写作文一定会提到 “pendatang asing”的不好。。。想也想不到, 我要去做外劳了。。。。
朋友有空记得多出来聚聚。。。时光冲冲,很快大家酱各有各的目标& 生活了。。。
最近看了‘那些年,我们一起追的女孩’ emm.. 想了又想,当年我们Arked & Baiduri 班,追多人喜欢的应该是“佩莹” 吧? 哈哈!!对吗?
回到现实。。。我又要赶我的assignment, small thesis & Thesis 了。。。加油!
14 October 2011
这两天衰咯。。。昨天电脑screen坏。。。修理了RM450。。今天thesis proposal 第三次被改了。。本来以为要交了。。但supervisor改了又改。。hai yooo... @.@ sienzz dao!!
希望倒霉后会是美丽的晴天吧!明天去Pangkor Island玩咯。。yeah!!!! Y^.^
希望倒霉后会是美丽的晴天吧!明天去Pangkor Island玩咯。。yeah!!!! Y^.^
16 September 2011
终于第四年的大学了, 觉得只拿五科轻松到!!! 但是最烦的还是论文。。今年只有6个华人junior。 男生要绝种了。。整个faculty只有有10个人。。。
06 June 2011
30 May 2011
今天肩膀很累, 因为今天在angiography , 整天穿着lead gown, 很重。。。。 +。+
29 May 2011
22 May 2011
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