29 December 2012

Tomorrow going to Ubin Island with friends, photography shooting, cycling and picnic.. relax relax..

Next week going to start on shift, wednesday and thursday is evening shift.. friday is my FIRST NIGHT SHIFT!! looking forward!!

19 December 2012

做工后, 学会了一件事。。。 人善被人欺,人不可貌相,在职场 戴面具的人很多!

13 December 2012


今天在fluoro, tracheostomy病人把痰喷到 Fluoro Machine 上。。 还喷到我的手。。。突然间病人一直动, 痰又很多, 又怕他不Stable....又要捉住他,又要照X Ray, 又要Suction, ... 总之Multi Task.. 不会解释。。。最后还连portal 的工又作了。。。  =D 

01 December 2012

Had changed my mind from buying Nikon D5100 to D3200, since just expensive then D5100 $75 and get higher mega pixels which 24MP and faster processor. hahaha!! I got my own camera .. Finally!

30 November 2012

才开工不久常常吃好料,哈哈哈!! Peper Lunch, Ajisen Ramen, Menya Musashi, Aston western food, Korean BBQ buffet, Novena Famous Chicken Rice & Laksa, Somerset , Pastamania, Hot tomato, Mache, Soup Spoon, bla bla bla....

钱都花在吃罢了。。  >_< 惨咯。。。。

28 November 2012


作工很多东西都要快而要非常小心。。。做错了要自己学会去解决。。。 学习不一样的东西,自我成长的另一个阶段,幸运的我,很多朋友10个人同一Batch。。。 有什么事,工作后约出来晚餐,聊聊。。。是个释放的好方法。。。。晚上回家打开部落格听歌。。Enjoy my life!! 很多人都认为我爱讲废话, 真的, 我喜欢大家聚在一起的时光,聊下废话也蛮不错的!!

新年应该没回家了, 叫我妈,姐,姐夫过来新加坡旅行。。。hehehe...不懂几时才可以回家了。。。。没想到,一进Matriculation 直到现在已经是踏路第六年离开家里了。。。

游子-盛 28/11/2012

24 November 2012

Yeah!! 2nd salary!! hahaha

Plan to buy a DSLR Camera... Nikon D5100 feel that no bad...want this kind of camera long long time ago ald.. finally can buy it now..happy!! =D  =D

Today go around and survey some shop sell quite expensive some are much more cheaper, tomorrow going to Johor, may go and survey around see the price got how much different from Singapore.

22 November 2012


今天在急症室超忙的,做工以来最忙的一天!! 有Multiple Trauma Cases 和 Isolation case 同时来。。。真的是Siao Liao。。不够,这样工作时间过得很快,也很充实!!

第一次遇到这样的学生, 她虽然36岁,但始终也是Student嘛, 我说她:“你有没有拿错Cassette, 但她竟然回答我:" 你不要紧张, 我一定拿对的"。。。walao! 过后就叫他过去看,让他自己知道她是错的!。。。
做学生做到这样。。 >.< 对她好,竟然爬到我的头上来。。。  =.=

19 November 2012

如果沒有你 - 超好听

hey 我真的好想你 現在窗外面又開始下著雨 眼睛乾乾的 有想哭的心情 不知道你現在到底在哪裡 hey 我真的好想你 太多的情緒 沒適當的表情 最想說的話我該從何說起 你是否也像我一樣在想你 如果沒有你 沒有過去 我不會有傷心 但是有如果還是要愛你 如果沒有你 我在哪裡 又有甚麼可惜 反正一切來不及 反正沒有了自己 hey 我真的好想你 不知道你現在到底在哪裡 hey 我真的好想你 現在窗外面又開始下著雨 眼睛乾乾的 有想哭的心情 不知道你現在到底在哪裡 hey 我真的好想你 太多的情緒 沒適當的表情 最想說的話我應該從何說起 你是否也像我一樣在想你 如果沒有你 沒有過去 我不會有傷心 但是有如果還是要愛你 如果沒有你 我在哪裡 又有甚麼可惜 反正一切來不及 反正沒有了自己 hey 我真的好想你 不知道你現在到底在哪裡 你是否也像我一樣在想你

18 November 2012

终于Train完一个星期的OT (开刀室)了。。 繁忙的一个星期,两天都在超时加班。。。。问题是现在还在Training,没有得Claim Over Time!! Haizz...

明天将开始另一个Training了。。。 急诊室!! 我来了!

11 November 2012

Train 完 Intravenous Urography和orthopedic 了,明天开始去开刀室Training了。。。 加油!

02 November 2012

今天有一个病人没有足够的钱来拍X光,有时觉得真的好可怜哦。。。。 其实觉得医药费是病人的一大负担, 常常会听到病人说你帮我拍了那么多张X光,那等下不是很贵。。。有时真的很无奈。。。没办法, 不懂怎么去安慰他们。。。病了已经很辛苦烦恼了,还要加上医药费的负担烦恼。。。 没办法, 如果他们不附钱,我们也没有薪水拿。。。
所以每个病人能帮什么的,能做到的就做, 很多时候他们无法自己穿鞋,我通常都会蹲下帮他们穿鞋, 他们通常会一直不停说谢谢,说人老了没用。。pai sei la doctor, ...  有一天,我们老时都会需要人家的帮忙的。。。助人快乐之本, 真的。。。:D

不过,有些病人很fussy 的有点烦。。。还是要保持笑容,微笑跟他们说话。 哈哈!

30 October 2012

busy n tired...

Today is second day in orthopedic , Now I understand why senior always said this is the most busiest hospital in Singapore...

High work load , everyone work faster, I'm new here quite difficult to learn the work flow and the complicated system....Now my working speed is too slow compared with them... just try my best la...have to cope it also .... haizz.... jia you Lohh...

Friends.. please enjoy and treasure your study life now.... there is no chance to go back school time...

26 October 2012

GET my 1st Salary!! Yeah!

1st thing to do is sign up an iphone 5....
Today together with friend go around 4 Starhub shop..all iphone 5 , white 16GB run out of stock!! >_<


17 October 2012


Good news heard from Manager today, for celebrating world radiographer's day, department will organize and book a cinema for 200++ staff free watching 007 movie on 1/11/2012 with free popcorn and drink!!


11 October 2012

4th day

gone through a lot of classes and test ... tired..

everyday learn new things... learn about Hospital mission, act, quality policy, EHS, how to see the complicated schedule that i ever seen b4, technique to wearing PPE, handwashing technique, suction technique, 5 moments, NGH core value, apple philosophy , fire safety drill, fire plan, Emergency Cart, CPR, mask fitting, and many many more... exhausted!! 10x terrible than study... within 3 months need to collect a lot of cases in in patient, out patient, operating theater, emergency department, portable....  this Saturday will Started go in Fluoroscopy room 1st.... Hopefully everything is fined!! Gambateh!!

08 October 2012

1st Day working

Will need to orientation for 1 month... so many things to learn....
and need to pass the 6 month probation, CPR, test,....

Hopefully everything is going well ... good luck for myself !!

05 October 2012


不一样的年龄,有不一样的阶段。。。出世,学会爬,走,跑,上幼稚园,小学,中学,大学预备班,大学,现在!!终于又换人生的另一个阶段了! 工作!又期待,又怕被受伤害!!

前天收到Hospital HR 的welcoming Message. 昨天收到Department 的 Welcoming Email。
我将会有一名preceptor/mentor Senior Radiographer 华人。 希望能够表现得不错,尽量学习=)

昨天去做Mask Fitting...
希望能顺顺利利!!开工大吉!! HUAT ARH!!

03 October 2012


Nowadays, my luck not good, at 1st my working pass, the ppl said me pass after that said rejected. bad luck

Yesterday I went to open a bank account and submit document for MOM. and my medical report Doctor forgot stamp her name on the document.. problem,... &*^#&*DOCTOR!!  bad luck again!!!

Today morning I had received a called. Bank people mistaken passed my an ATM form, need to pass back to them.. sienzz .. Y always got so much people mistake happen on me? just can say "sui lo"

Hopefully, popi popi, no more bad luck!!!!

Popi popi ~~

28 September 2012


My medical report PASS!!!! going to MOM making the pass.........:)
May start working on 8/10/2012 !!

24 September 2012

My Uniform~~ =)

Today went to meet HR, medical check up and take my uniform... hehe... provide me 3 white coat and 3 scrub suit !! Yeah!!

18 September 2012


Fuyoh!! So happy today, my appeal of Employment pass had been approved!!
8/10/2012 start working.. Hospital require me arrive Singapore on next monday..

Hopefully my medical check up can shun shun li li..  before got 2 of my friends went medical check, both of their result problem brought them troublesome.. may god bless me!!!!

Just want go to Singapore work so difficult 1... 3 Stage need to pass..
1st Stage = Interview
2nd Stage = Application of EP
3rd Stage = Medical Check Up

Fight for future!!

17 September 2012

Extinction of DIRAC coming soon?

This year my course just only 4 chinese junior fresh entry....is getting less..

DIRAC = Diagnostic Imaging Radiotherapy Association of Chinese is our PDR chinese association that develop by 1st batch senior.

When last time when I entry this course..

6th batch PDR got 16 ppl of chinese
7th batch PDR 12ppl
8th batch PDR 12pl
9th batch (My batch) 12 ppl
10th batch PDR 7ppl
11th batch  PDR 5ppl
12th batch PDR 5ppl
13th batch PDR 4ppl

LOL!! Just 4 chinese ...... extinction.. but, another point of view, less competitor when they are graduated!! can consider a good news!! =D

13 September 2012

Wanna say F*ck!

Bad news .... my Employment pass appication was rejected... last time said approved ald.. but suddenly recieved this email.

My apologies, I have sent the email to you wrongly on 24 Aug’12.

Your EP application has been rejected, I’m checking out with MOM officer on the reason for rejection. We will file an appeal for your case, but it will take some time for the processing.
I shall keep you informed of the appeal status.

Sorry for the confusion. Thank you.

I submit all document on 23/8  , after I check through MOM only know that this girl after 1 week only apply my pass ... I was thought singapore worker are very efficiency .. let me disappointed ...have to wait again.. re-appeal need wait another 4 weeks or more ..F*CK....

why our batch so unlucky. MOM suddenly tighten for EP application...

04 September 2012


好久好久没有坐在家里假期这么久了。。 不知不觉一个月多了。。

每天都在check mail, TTSH还没有回复, 不懂几时才可以开工呢? Haizz

最后一封Email说我的Employment Pass approved 了, 但是其他人还没有,要等。。。 =.=

过后还要去Medical check up 和 MOM, 惨!十月才可以开工了???! JiaLat ...

24 July 2012

5Days 4night Cambodia Tour (4Days 3Night with Package + 1night with own planning)

9pm depart from Prima setapak to LCCT (bus --> LRT --> arrived at KL central -->bus  -->arrived LCCT airport)
We were by 6.50am flight, we went airport early because midnight taxi to there very expensive, in order to reduce our spend, we decide one night before arrive LCCT airport.
Starbucks--> Sleep -->Mc Donald breakfast --> instant noodles cup --> Taking flight

Day 1      14/7/2012 6.50pm Siam Reap
Around 7.35am (Cambodia time) arrive at Siam Reap airport. *7pm morning sun very hot  there and feeling like burning skin [just same like 12pm sun of Malaysia].
Met tour guide at airport and start our tour.
Breakfast (Mee Hun Soup    USD 1.25      + Coconut drink    USD 0.75)

Visit Wat Bo --> Wat Thmei(Killing Field) --> Lunch at Local Restaurant  --> check in Darang Reang Sey Hotel  -->Visit Les Artisan D’Angkor --> Tonle Sap (extra add USD 15, not included in the package) àSee Sunset at Bakheng Hill (due to bad weather, postponed to day 2) --> dinner at restaurant --> Night Market (add USD 2 per person for transportation)
Day 2  15/7/2012     Siam Reap
Breakfast at hotel --> visit the south gate of Angkor ThomàBayon--> BaphounàLeper King Terrace, Phimeana Kas --> Ta Keo -->Thommanan -->Chaosay  --> Ta PhromàLunch àJewelry shop --> World heritage of Angkor Wat, one of the “seven wonders” of the worldàsee sunset at Bakheng hill (when we arrive there ald late, there close at 6pm, just take few photo) --> Buffet dinner with Cambodian traditional show --> Pub Street (By tuk tuk USD 3 for 6 people one way) , drink Angkor deer (USD 0.50) // Cocktail USD4 (buy 1 free 1).
Day 3  16/7/2012  Siam Reap/ Phnom Penh
Breakfast at Hotel--> 6 hours bus from Siam Reap to Phnom Penh --> met another new tour guide and lunch at Phnom Penh local restaurant --> Royal Palace àSilver Pagoda àIndependence Monument (unlucky it was repairing, we just passed by it)--> Central Market --> Naga Casino (Free USD 10 coupon for gambling) --> Check in Princess Hotel --> walk around the area nearby the hotel   (lucky market) --> BBWorld Burger--> Sleep
Day 4  17/7/2012   Phnom Penh
Breakfast at hotel --> S 21 Killing Field and museum (USD 5), Tuk tuk USD 18 for 6 people(2 ways), 45minutes from Princess Hotel --> Lunch at local shop (Cambodian mee curry [USD 1.20] + Coconut drink [USD 0.75]) -->  Hotel (Take Bath) --> National Museum --> Wat Phnom --> Dinner at Restaurant near to River Tonle Sap --> Walk around River Tonle Sap à

Day 5 18/7/2012 Phnom Penh/ Kuala Lumpur
Breakfast at hotel --> Walking to Wat ?? (Forgot), a small wat --> Walking to Su Reay Market --> Central  Market --> Hotel (Take Bath) --> Phnom Penh Airport  --> KL LCCT Airport

30 June 2012


有走到人生的一个阶段的尾声了, 今天做了很多东西。。。 但是都是为了其他人,帮忙搬家(搬东西)。。。 而自己到现在还没有做到Thesis Viva的东西。。。

housemate 陆陆续续搬东西了。。。只剩下我, VIVA 还没完。。真的是没完没了, 也可能是剩下人生中的最后一次考试了。。

心情沉重, 还以为我会很潇洒的走完这个大学的旅程, 但是。。 真的。。。还有点舍不得,
毕竟都习惯这4 年的生活了。。。(我才24岁, 这里可以说是1/8我生命的时间在这里了)

今天可以说是帮最多人的一天, 朋友车坏, 也去帮忙。。

有很多朋友真的是永别了,就像4年前matric 的朋友临走前全部还抱着一起哭呢。。。想回去那场面。。有感动哦。。

突然觉得人生很短暂, 大家记得要珍惜生命,珍惜身边的人。。。也许你们今天很好的朋友,过后看回去虽然只是生命中的过客,但还是谢谢生命中的每个过客。。。

好了, 不写了。。明天要早起床陪gf 去新加坡interview..晚安

27 June 2012

Radiotherapy VIVA

Feel a bit hard of question asked by doctor today.. all asked about doctor scope 1...seinzz.. My Radiotherapy OSCE pass lehh..hehe.. some ppl fail, luckily My matric number not in the list .. hehe.. Left 2 VIVA result...scare.. continue study.. sienz....

24 June 2012

Fu Chong 求婚记

Fu Chong 跟你form 4 还是form 5 (忘了)同样补习, matric 也一样, 大学也一样。。。看到你今天求婚成功!祝福你! 替你高兴  :) 祝你和你的小鱼百年好合,白头到老!!

19 June 2012

Plan to buy a laptop

Plan to buy a cheaper laptop less than RM1500, recently my friend bought a Acer Laptop just round RM1300 and all the aspect not bad also and better than my currently used old laptop.

Actually I'm planning to buy a laptop is for my mother. After I went to Singapore at least I can Web Cam call her, feel very sorry left her after Matriculation, then enter University, now go chasing for $$ and future....

Just feel want to earn more in these few years so that give a better environment for my mum and go for travel.

But the problem is I'm calculating my money.. hmmm...if buy a laptop, then when go Singapore need to used a lot of money also.. just feel like ngam ngam only..

So, these few days quite work hard to sell internet hope to earn more... last week got 1 case, this week got 3 cases (1 problem case)...

Hopefully earn more money before go to Singapore at september.

Actually can borrow some money from sister go to Singapore. But I dislike to borrow money from people... try my best la!!! Jia You!!!

Anyone feel Want to Apply internet view here --> http://www.tmnetmalaysia.com/

happy day

 OSCE exam done...continue today

Today is my  Diagnostic Imaging Clinical VIVA examination day. The examiner( Dr Sarah Jyne Lewis ) came from Australia. She is a senior lecturer and director of student affairs. She very kind and friendly. At first I'm quite worried about her English slang, but after met her feel that her English slang is not as bad as I think, can understand.Her English slang just same like 'MUET listening slang'. The most happy thing today is, every question that I had answer, she will said good... after all the question she told me that :" Among all you are the most impressive 1 until now. Well done!."   hahaha!! ^^ Syok nia... KAKAKA!!

No matter this sentence is truth or not that I'm so impressive for her, the most important I had complete total 4 Diagnostic Imaging VIVA in my University Life!! and I think most probably will pass in this VIVA. hehehee.. so arrogant hor?....

After , the VIVA we had a talk from the Dr Sarah Jyne Lewis and went to karaokey.

Don't forget that I'm still left for one Radiotherapy Clinical VIVA, Comparative Imaging Paper and Thesis presentation n VIVA.

Very soon, Just left about less then one month life in KL. (4 years ald...) FAST!!!!!

01 June 2012

My Software (Final Year Project - Thesis [MATLAB] )

Finally !! Done my software !! Hopefully it's contribute to the fMRI field in the future!! =)

Left several steps to finished my thesis!! Yeah!!! hahahaha!!

29 May 2012




最后, 全部华人系友都得到新加坡工作了。。



人生真的有不同不同的阶段 真的没想到,大学4年的课就这样上玩了。。。接下来只剩下最后的大学旅程____thesis, Diagnostic VIVA, Radiotherapy VIVA, Diagnostic OSCE, thesis presentation, thesis VIVA, comparative imaging ,lAST--> Pass up thesis!! END

只剩下这些了! 加油! 希望顺顺利利通过。。。 每年都有些senior 毕不到业。。 加油!popi popi!!


15 April 2012

Yan Fung Well Done

Fatimah hospital

Dr Chan today find me again, he ask me join him at Fatimah Hospital because he just open a new centre as a head of department. Offer me RM3000 plus salary... quite attractive, but still Singapore more better.. haha! Because I more interested with Diagnostic Imaging rather than radiotherapy... XD

18 March 2012


Institute heart center ( Radionuclide imaging & CT scan ) &
Selayang Hospital (Fluoroscopy & Angiography)

01 January 2012


最近迷上了做论坛~ =.= 还有几天要考试了~
http://sale.utmall.com/ 给点意见~~哈哈~~